Each year Rice University holds an annual Hackathon for everyone to participate and code away their weekend. All the students who participate trade away their sleep for a weekend to build something cool in 36 hours and showcase it. That's how hackathons are and that's the thrill of it. And I love that thrill. I love taking part in Hackathons. It's a way for me to work on my ideas, hobby projects which I always wanted but never could, because of the classic time crunch of being a graduate student at Rice. Classes, Research and Valhalla take away most of your time and you hardly get enough time to work on your side projects. My affair with HackRice goes back to 2014 when I first participated in HackRice from Dallas and won the Mastery Of Computer Science award by the department of computer science. That kickstarted a snowball effect which is responsible for much of what I am today. But that story is for another day and demands another blog post all by itsel
This is my mindless rambling.