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Showing posts from May, 2012

Anonymous Defaces BJP Site in Protest

A day after messing with servers maintained by Reliance Communications, Anonymous, an international hacker collective, defaced two websites belonging to BJP on Sunday. Through its Twitter account (@opindia_back) it announced that  and  were  hacked  by the group. After the hacking, the group posted a message to web users, asking them to organize protests against "web censorship" in India on June 9. While the message was displayed on the homepage of , on  it was inserted as a page at . On Mumbai BJP website the message was accompanied by a catchy tune embedded through a  YouTube  link. "Today they took away your right to use a few websites... day after tomorrow they will take away your freedom of speech and no one will be there to speak for you. Speak Now or Never," the message read. The hackers said that people should print out or buy  Guy Fawkes  Masks and wear them

Anonymous India Releases Reliance’s Site Block List; Calls For On-Ground Protest On June 9th 2012

I just found out this story. And keeping in mind how only one site is sharing this thought of sharing it through my blog. Go through the post. And do give your views about it. Anonymous Operation India (AnonOps India) has accused Reliance (Communications) of going beyond the mandate given to it by courts and the government and blocking sites without authorization. In an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) based press conference hosted at, anonymous Anonymous Operation India members said that they hacked into Reliance’s servers and obtained a list of all government blocked websites, as well as links to sites that have been blocked by Reliance, including links to search results and blogs on a Satish Seth.  The speaker also accused the media of maintaining silence and not covering leaks of lists of websites, and accused the ISP of unblocking websites only to block them again. They said that they hacked into BIGCinema, and shared documents with ticket scans, also claimed that