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Showing posts from October, 2012

And the NEXUS 10 is here

As you’ve no doubt already heard, Google is planning to unveil some  new Nexus-branded goodies on Monday . LG’s Nexus 4 smartphone has been examined in what seems like excruciating detail already, but now leaked images of Samsung’s Nexus 10 tablet (obtained by  BriefMobile ) have begun to make their way ‘round the web. An earlier leak of the Nexus 10’s instructional manual gave us a rough sense of its size and dimensions, but these new images add some much-needed context. First impressions: it’s actually pretty ho-hum in terms of industrial design. There aren’t enough photos floating around to form a really clear impression of the hardware, but (in usual Samsung fashion) it looks awfully slim and more than a little plasticky. The front-facing speaker placement is one of Samsung’s preferred (and rightly so) design choices. Most concerning is the patch of textured material running horizontally across the tablet’s back. Samsung seems to have gone for the same aesthetic as the mottle