An auction for a pair of Google Glasses appeared on eBay reaching $15,900 with 36 bids before being pulled. The 'seller' said in his description that he was an early adopter for Google's upcoming release and that you would be buying an unopened pair of Google's Project Glass headsets. However he then went on to say that he would be attending and picking up the pair at Google's Project glass launch event on February 28th, which sounds believable until we dig a little deeper. Google's website for the Glass competition, which opens up early access to the Explorer Edition of the headset, says that the winners will not be notified until mid-to-late March, with the deadline for applications being today. This confirms that the auction was a complete scam and the likely reason it was pulled. Don't be surprised if we do actually see real listings on eBay in the next month though, as Google does not state in its terms and conditions that wi
This is my mindless rambling.