I recently had a chance to present at DeeveloperWeek conference in San Francisco. According to DeveloperWeek, it is the largest developer conference with 8000 attendees and hence I was pretty excited to represent and present Mozilla and talk about WebVR there. The conference took place in Pier 27. I had never been to a pier before so it was little weird to find actually a full blown conference building in a pier. My talk was on the second day of the conference and at 9 A.M slot (I really hate morning slots). That gave me chance to go around the conference and look at other talks in the first day, also roam around the expo, talking to different people getting an idea of the audience. I couldn’t quite justify the 8000 developer claim, but the conference definitely was big, sprawled on two floors. They had it divided among topic categories, my talk was part of the VR & AR section. But in real physical location it did not seem to make much difference. The talk’s were being held in s
This is my mindless rambling.