I recently gave a talk in OpenSource Bridge in Portland. This was my second time taking a session here, the first one being on Firefox OS ( sigh ) last year. My session was on 23rd June, the penultimate day of the conference and the same day when I finally reached portland at 12:50 AM. Since the talk was at 10:45 AM. I spend the rest of the night quickly juggling up my slides and last minute code pushes in github. Last minute talks are nothing new to me, being the star procrastrinator among all the Mozilla TechSpeakers. But this time I was a little nervous and wanted the talk to go smooth since this had generated a little bit of attention due to an awesome article from Benjamin (which you can read here ). And the tweets followed Bringing #Mozilla to the IoT er > the glee, when your merged #firefox code will affect millions of people @rabimba https://t.co/5oAaEEgfxo — Jeff Mackanic (@mackanic) June 13, 2016 . @mozilla needs to stay relevant and gui
This is my mindless rambling.