Guess we all are interested about Google Glass. Pretty interested I might say. And all the more since the Glass Explorer prototypes started making its way to the dev community. Last day while reading a idea gist about what might be some good things to implement in glass fro Wikimedia I was pointed to the Glass Viewer in Google Glass Developer portal( Playground ). And today I found a way to run Glass apps in my Nexus 4. Thanks to Michael Evans(as he pointed that out) and Google we now have working factory images for the XE5 root. Get them at The build process is also very detailed. And then we have another dump (which is very useful) from AndroidPolice Now how would you like if these were repackaged as install-able APK's which you can try in your android? Google Glass's build process is fairly conservative - they don't use hidden APIs often, and when they do, they use reflect...
This is my mindless rambling.