Finally India produces it's own version of homegrown tablet. And here it is The wait for the world's cheapest tablet is finally over! The $35 tablet nicknamed Aakash was launched today and will be available at retail stores at a maximum retail price of Rs 2999 ($60), said its maker Datawind. The Aakash tablet, previously nicknamed as Sakshat, looks different from the prototype flaunted by the telecom minister Kapil Sibal last year. However, the specs of the device are same as previously reported. However it seems that currently there are two versions available at the present. Version 1 Specs: Android 2.2 Screen Size is 7″ Resistive Processor: 366 MHz + another processor for Graphics or HD Video RAM : 256 MB Flash memory: 2GB + 2GB Micro-SD (expandable up to 32 GB) USB ports: 2 Battery Power is 2100mAH And the Version 2 adds the following in it The $60 tablet for retail sales has an inbuilt cellular modem and SIM to access internet, wh...
This is my mindless rambling.